By making reference to the TPL521 data sheet some starting figures can be obtained for the design.
From the IF-VF graph it can be found that at @10mA Vf=@1.15V
This can then be used to calculate the value of R1 as below
Vcontrol - 1.15V 3.3V - 1.15V
R1 = ----------------------- = ---------------- = 215 Ohms = NPV from the E12 range = 220 Ohms
10mA 10mA
Next from the Ic-Vce graph it can be found that when Ic=10mA and If = 10mA then Vce = 0.3V
and by consulting the Id - Vgs graph of the IRF530, we can find that at 3A current drain Vgs will be about 5.5V.
We can then employ these values to calculate the vales of R3 and R4 as follows.
Since R4 is connected from the gate to the source of the MOSFET and we know that Ic of the opto output transistor is 10mA, then if we ignore the negligible gate current of the MOSFET then IR4 must also be 10mA.
We can then find R4 as follows:
R4 = ------- = 550 Ohms = NPV from the E12 range = 560 Ohms.
Next if the Vce of the opto output transistor is 0.3V and Ic = 10mA then value of R3 can be found as:
VR3 12V - 0.3V - 5.5V 6.2V
R3 = ----- = --------------------- = ------- = 620 Ohms = NPV from the E12 range = 680 Ohms.